Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Steampunk de Paris!

Steampunk de Paris!

Summer break is a great time for students, faculty, and staff of the Airship Crimson Steamers.  We hope to share many stories of adventure and excitement!  We start with a few of my photos from the Eiffel Tower!

Next, we share awesome photos from other steampunks & their blogs about Paris...
[By the way, when I tried to take photos in the subway, the security guards got really annoyed.]

All the subway photos are from this blog...Cool Stuff in Paris by Manning Leonard Krull

If you are interested in France and want to read more, be sure to check out Tor.com: Les Vaporistes, Steampunk in France by Arthur Morgan  Arthur Morgan is a French steampunk enthusiast. Editor-in-chief for french-steampunk.fr, he has contributed to various publications in France and abroad (including the Steampunk Bible). He blogs in French at http://vapeurbrouillon.wordpress.com/.

If I hadn't put unleaded gas in our diesel powered rental car, then we could have go to the nearby city of Nantes, sigh.  But check out the mechanical elephant ride in the YouTube video in the link below!!

Hope everyone is having a great summer break!
Stay tuned for stories and adventures from other Airship Crimson Steamers!
Signing out, Dalynda Marie